Female prisoners have conjugal rights, says NSHR

Publication Date: 
Sat, 2012-02-18 01:35

The society, which sent a team to inspect the facility, said conditions in the prison were stable and that the women inmates had no complaints.
It said the clinic inside the prison was providing first-aid services and that the prisoners would be allowed to entertain their husbands in khulwa (seclusion) as long as their requests adhere to the formal procedures of the prison.
The society also said the requests of some women prisoners for social security money would be immediately referred to the Ministry of Social Affairs in Makkah.
The society sent a delegation to the prison on Monday headed by Amal Muhammad Al-Sabri, a woman legal researcher. The delegation met with the administrative and security personnel of the prison and inspected the area where the fire broke out.
According to the delegation, the fire was limited and only broke out at an air conditioner in one of the rooms and was immediately quenched by the prison's security staff and other employees.
The delegation said the women prisoners were evacuated from the scene of the fire and kept in a safe place. It added the burned air conditioner was replaced with a new one.
The NSHR said the women’s prison was clean and added that women social workers meet every day with the inmates for counseling and listen to their feedback.
Assistant prison director Hossa Al-Luqmani said the management of the prison was executing a number of programs and activities for women prisoners to help train them on sewing, cosmetics and other professions. "We also provide them with books to read," she said.

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