Diabetes and Foot Care

Alva Carpenter, [email protected]
Publication Date: 
Wed, 2012-04-25 02:26

Gulf countries have an extra high rate of diabetes type 2 and everybody living in the region, including expatriates, should be aware of this disease. Diabetes type 2 mainly affects people who often choose foodstuffs that are high in carbohydrates, sugar and fat, and who don’t exercise regularly. With a healthy lifestyle, diabetes type 2 can be avoided. If you already have diabetes, it is important to know how to look after your body so you can help avoid complications and lead a long and happy life.
Many people who have diabetes type 2, are unaware of this until the disease starts causing complications to their vital organs, eyes, hands and feet. Diabetes type 2 silently invades the body, slowly increasing the amount of glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream to damaging levels.
One doctor in the UAE told me that almost 50 percent of the patients he saw had uncontrolled diabetes. They were unaware of the consequences diabetes might have.
When patients are diagnosed with diabetes, they have a responsibility to learn as much as they can about preventing the long-term complications of uncontrolled blood sugar, such as blindness, kidney failure and amputation. I recently met an educated gentleman who had to have a toe removed because it had turned black: He had had diabetes for many years but had not known it.
Patients have to help their doctors to help them. You need to have a good partnership with your doctor and it is most important to go for regular checkups to make sure your diabetes is under control.
You must be prepared to work with your doctor. Diabetes is not just a matter of taking the tablets as this alone will not work. Many doctors are very busy and do not have a lot of time to explain everything over and over, so if your doctor says you must lose weight and exercise regularly, you really must do it. Once you have diabetes you need to allot more time to taking care of yourself. Losing extra weight and taking exercise will improve your health. For patients suffering from diabetes type 2, it will also postpone the moment when they have to start injecting themselves with insulin.
Worldwide statistics suggest that up to 25 percent of people with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer. More than half of all foot ulcers will become infected, requiring hospitalization. One in five will require an amputation.
Diabetes decreases blood supply to the feet and can damage the nerves in the feet. With less feeling in your feet it is all too easy to have a sore or blister on your foot or toes without you realizing it.
People with healthy feet will quickly respond to a sharp stone in a shoe or ill-fitting footwear by checking their shoes for problems. With the loss of peripheral sensation due to diabetes, many people with diabetes have no indication of foot pain, and do not take measures to sort out the problem quickly.
Uncontrolled diabetes leading to nerve damage in the feet and other extremities can mean that when there is a sore it can be slow to heal and can lead to complications such as foot ulcers. These can lead to gangrene and amputation.

• Experts recommend that people with diabetes have a comprehensive foot examination every year to check for peripheral neuropathy, which is a lack of feeling.
• Improve circulation by circling your feet every morning in bed before you get up.
• Massage your feet and toes in the morning and night with a light non-antiseptic cream to improve circulation and prevent dry skin.
• Do not sit with your legs crossed.
• If your eyesight is poor, ask a member of your family to examine your feet on a daily basis.
• Never wear tight shoes as these may cause blisters.
• Trim your toe nails straight across.
• If you have an ingrown toenail, see your doctor.
• Good medical care is important in preventing infections.
• Do not use commercial corn pastes, paints or plasters. These cause serious damage. Always see your doctor if you have any foot sores. Do not attempt any foot treatments yourself.
• Do not smoke. Smoking impairs the circulation, particularly in persons with diabetes. It can seriously worsen foot and leg problems.
• Never walk barefoot, even in the house. Most people with early neuropathic changes can wear cushioned commercial footwear such as walking or athletic shoes.
• Wash your feet every day with mild soap and warm water. Test the water temperature with your hand first.
• Always keep your feet warm.
• Increasing your physical activity can help fight diabetes and its complications.

Peach and Banana Healthy Desert
1 ripe peach
1 medium just-ripe banana
2 teaspoons icing sugar
1 tablespoon orange juice
150ml Greek-style yogurt
Peel and chop the peach and banana and place them in a blender or food processor with the icing sugar and orange juice. Blend until fairly smooth. Fold the fruit mixture into the yogurt, divide between two glass dessert bowls or glasses and chill. Serve immediately.

Can you give me some ideas for a healthy breakfast for my schoolgoing children?
— Miranda
It is always a great idea to plan any changes with your children. These are my suggestions for a super start to the day!
• Have a glass of 100% pure, unsweetened fruit juice.
• Slice some fresh fruit over your breakfast cereal.
• Try a banana sandwich made with whole-wheat or granary bread for extra fiber too.
• Make a delicious fruit smoothie from fresh fruit or add some skimmed milk and low fat yogurt for a more creamy consistency.
• A boiled egg and toast gives you loads of energy for your day.
— Alva

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