Abu Sayyaf

Philippine security forces detain Abu Sayyaf executioner of Canadian hostages

Philippine security forces detain Abu Sayyaf executioner of Canadian hostages

  • Ben Tattoo and his brother Almujer Yadah surrender to Philippine military 
  • Militant was also involved in the 2012 kidnapping of Arab News Asia bureau chief Baker Atyani
By Ellie Aben ·

Special Philippine military says Abu Sayyaf leader still alive

Philippine military says Abu Sayyaf leader still alive

By Ellie Aben ·

Special Philippine troops rescue British couple captured by ASG

Philippine troops rescue British couple captured by ASG

By Ellie Aben ·

US declares Abu Sayyaf leader global terrorist

US declares Abu Sayyaf leader global terrorist

By Ellie Aben ·

Special Three dead after Eid Al-Adha gun ambush in Philippines

Three dead after Eid Al-Adha gun ambush in Philippines

By Ellie Aben ·