Deen has a number of domains: The first is Islam. This domain is wide to an extent that even the hypocrite enters within it and is called a Muslim and is treated like the Muslims, because he has submitted to Islam outwardly.
So therefore, he enters within the domain of Islam. And the person who is weak in Imaan, enters the domain of Islam, but he has nothing from Imaan except a mustard seed of it.
The second domain: It is more restricted and more specific — the domain of Al-Imaan. The hypocrite in belief does not enter into it whatsoever. Rather, only the people of Imaan enter into it, and they are two categories: Those who are complete in Imaan and those who are deficient in Imaan. So, the sinful believer and dutiful believer both enter into it.
The third domain: It is more restricted than the second one — the domain of Al-Ihsan. It just as the Prophet (peace be upon him) made it clear. No one will enter into it except the people of complete Imaan.
Al-Ihsan means to perfect something and complete it. It is derived from Al-Husun which means Al-Jamaal (beauty). It is divided into categories:
First, perfection of what lies between the servant and his Lord. Secondly, perfection of what is between the servant and the rest of the people; and thirdly, doing well and perfecting what you do. When a person makes something or does an action, then it is obligatory upon him that he perfects it and does it completely.
The Messenger (peace be upon him) said that when Jibreel (peace be upon him) told him that “Ihsan is that you worship Allah as if you were seeing Him, and even though you do not see Him, He certainly sees you.”
So Ihsan between the servant and his Lord is his perfecting the action, which Allah has made a duty upon him, that he does it correctly, purely and sincerely for the sake of Allah the Almighty. So, an action which is done sincerely for Allah Almighty, and by following the Messenger (peace be upon him).
The Prophet (peace be upon him) made it clear that Ihsan is of two levels, one of them being higher than the other: The first level is that you worship Allah as if you were seeing Him such that your certainty and Imaan in Allah reaches such a level that it is as if you are actually seeing Allah with your eyes. You have no hesitancy or doubt, rather it is as if Allah is in front of you, He the Perfect and Most High, and you are seeing Him openly.
You worship Him as if you are seeing Him out of a complete faith and sincerity. Allah Almighty will not be seen in this world, rather He will only be seen in the Hereafter. However, you see Him with your heart as if you are seeing Him with your eyes,and for which there are great rewards for them.
Rewards include an opportunity to see Him with their eyes in the abode of bliss. He, the Most High, said: “For the people of Ihsan there will be the best reward of Paradise and something extra.” (Qur’an, 10:26)
This “something extra” is looking upon the face of Allah. Since they perfected their deeds in this world, Allah will give them the best rewards, which is Paradise. And He will increase the rewards, which is having an opportunity to see Allah, the Mighty and Majestic.
Therefore, one should worship Allah as if he/she is witnessing Him, upon love and longing to meet Him. You feel delighted in being obedient to Him and you feel calm. This is the path for the people of Ihsan.
The second level: If you do not reach this tremendous level, then you worship Him upon the path of Al-Muraqabah(watchfulness) such that you know that Allah sees you, knows your condition, and knows what lies within yourself.
Therefore, it is not befitting that you should disobey Him and contradict His command when He sees and observes you. This is a good state, however, it is less than the first one.
So, since you believe that He sees you, you therefore perfect your worship, because you know that Allah is seeing you. Imagine, if you are in front of a person of high status, and you obey him just because you know that he is seeing you, would it be possible that you be negligent in your duties that too in front of him?
In sum, Ihsan has two levels. One of worshipping Allah with heart: It is that you worshipping Him as if you are seeing Him from the strength of your faith in Him; and second, as if you are worshipping Him knowing that He sees you and observes you, therefore, you do not disobey Him and disobey His command.
This is the level of Al-Ihsan and it is highest of the levels of the religion. Whoever reaches this level, he has reached the highest of the levels of the religion. Before it is the level of Iman, and before that is the level of Al-Islam.
Evidence for Al-Ihsan
The best reference to Al-Ihsan is found in the Holy Qur’an.
Allah Almighty says “Allah is with those who fear Him and are dutiful to Him; and He is with those who are people of ihsan.” (Qur’an, 16:128)
He says “And place your reliance upon the Almighty, the Bestower of mercy. He who sees you when you stand to pray. And who sees your movements along with those who pray along with you. Indeed! He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (Qur’an, 26:217-220)
He also says: “And you are not (O Muhammad) engaged in any matter nor do you recite the Book of Allah, nor do you do any action (O people), except that We are witness in your deeds when you do them. And not even that which is of the weight of the tiniest ant is hidden from your Lord on the earth or in the heavens. Nor is there anything smaller than that or greater than it except that it is written in a clear Book.” (Qur’an, 10:61)
These are the clear references for the first level of Al-Ihsan: “Allah is with those who fear Him and are dutiful to Him, and He is with those who are people of ihsan.” (Qur’an, 16:128)
The ayah proves that Allah is with the people of ihsan. They are those who worship Allah as if they were seeing Him, so Allah is with them in a specific sense of Ma’iyyah — the Ma’iyyah with regard to aiding, helping, and tawfeeq (guiding them to and granting them attainment of correctness).
And His saying, He the Most High: “And place your reliance upon the All-Mighty, the Bestower of Mercy. He who sees you when you stand to pray. And who sees your movements along with those who pray along with you.” (Qur’an, 26:217-219)
To be continued next week
Source: Sharh-ul-Usool-ith-Thalathah by Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan
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