Creative Thinking: Why a hobby?
Think for a moment about the way you are living your life: You get up, go to work, get back home, have your meals, watch TV, meet with friends, go to sleep. Fair and square. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. It’s your life and you are living it fairly well.
Now ask yourself: Could I also do “something else”? You are OK with your job, you don’t mind the way you spend your free time but… could there be a hidden skill that you could use, that may give you extra satisfaction? Yes, there is! A hobby could do that.
Are hobbies important in one’s life? I strongly believe they are. A friend of mine says that discovering a talent, which she had been unaware of, actually saved her emotional life. She was overstressed, under a lot of pressure, she had to face a difficult situation at home on a daily basis, so she felt almost desperate, with no way out.
Then she discovered the deeply hidden desire to draw and thus she found an outlet to her frustrations. To make up for an unfulfilling day, she would spend a full hour (either early in the morning or late at night) dedicating herself to her hobby.
While drawing her sketches, she felt creative, fantastic ideas seemed to literally flood her mind. With every stroke of her pencil or crayon she would experience a blissful feeling of fulfillment.
For one hour there were no more upset, worries or preoccupations to trouble her spirit; only the happiness of seeing the beautiful images existing in her mind transformed into something real, visible and enjoyable.
Although you, hopefully, are not undergoing such painful experience, it is possible that, every now and then, you feel bored or annoyed, you have the sensation that the potential of your mind could reach higher levels, you may feel that you may be able to do something different or exciting. If you have the sensation that a yet unknown skill is harbored inside of you, are you willing to try and discover it? Don’t overlook the feeling but rather endeavor to detect what is actually there.
Some famous artists, poets or authors started painting or writing almost as a joke or just out of curiosity. As by a miracle, they realized that they had found their life path. You do not need to become a famous artist or... whatever. You have a job, your day is full, you have many responsibilities therefore, right now, you believe you don’t need to think about discovering a hidden treasure inside yourself.
Too bad. You have no idea of what elation can be experienced once one dedicates himself or herself to a hobby for the pure joy of doing it, with neither goals or expectations.
Those who love gardening say that, while working with their plants, vegetables, herbs or flowers, they simply forget about the whole world and live in a true Eden. Others enjoy playing a sport, so they eagerly spend some time every day or just a few times a week going to the gym, running, or playing tennis. Some ladies enjoy embroidering or creating garments with the crochet. Men might like to do some carpentry work.
You don’t need to find a strange or expensive hobby, just a little activity that gives you joy, that relaxes you, that makes you live – for a short while – in the perfect world of your dreams. Yes! If your hobby is the true response to the inner unconscious stirring of your heart, you will be able to experience a few moments of real bliss. Life is what it is, it has good moments and not-so-good moments. Dedicating some of your time to a hobby helps you to relax, to forget your problems. In a nutshell, it makes you feel better.
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