Creative Thinking: Achieving success

Creative Thinking: Achieving success

What is success? Most probably it means something different for each one of us. If we want to give a general definition, we could say that success is the index of achievement of what we desire most. It is evident that the range of possibilities is almost infinite.
What does success mean for you? Ask yourself NOW and try to discover what are the obstacles that sometimes prevent you from achieving it to extent you are wishing for.
There are a few principles to carry out a sort of survey on the subject. The first principle (I like to call it “ingredient,” as if making a cake!) is the idea that all obstacles can be overcome. The human nature tends to make you believe that obtaining what you want is very difficult and that, anyway, it is necessary for you to strive and even suffer before reaching the arrival line. But such way is not compulsory or inevitable.
Just think about an athlete who trains for a major competition. If you observe his (or her) behavior, you can learn a basic lesson on the importance of attitude. The athlete who really wants to win will engage himself with all his might because he “knows” that he can break the record.
It goes without saying that sometimes he will have to face some drawbacks such as, for instance, having to get up extremely early, follow a strict diet, give up some fun things, have less time for family and friends and so on. He will put all his energy into reaching the highest result such as running faster, jumping higher, scoring the extra goal etc. Will this be stressful? Most probably yes, it will. Will he complain? If he is a true athlete, i.e. if sport is his greatest passion, he will face the inevitable obstacles without “suffering.” He knows that the result he is aiming at is more valuable than anything else.
He is certain he will be able to overcome any hindrance because he believes in himself, in his strength, in his capabilities, in his willpower. He is also convinced that his goal is good, honest, selfless.
Another “ingredient” for success is determination. In order to be successful, you must have firmness of purpose. Ask yourself how many times you dreamt of accomplishing something and then… you never did. You may possibly have started with great enthusiasm, then — after a while — you gave up because you realized that you were not as eager as before. Your aim had lost its luster, it did not seem as exciting or interesting or — on the other hand — you just didn’t feel like applying yourself to the task as much as needed.
It is also possible that you suddenly stopped when challenged by the first (or second) obstacle. You therefore preferred to change your plans, move in a different direction, even if less attractive. Without determination it is impossible to fulfill any project, to reach any goal successfully.
What to do? If you have a wonderful dream that you would love to make become real, here is suggestion. You need to make a sort of contract with yourself, where you commit to continue, once you started, till the completion of your objective, no matter the cost.
When laziness, indifference, boredom, fear of failure try to deter you, you simply endeavor to remember the promise you made to yourself. Such promise is as binding as a contract you make with another person, in a business transaction. Actually, the word you give yourself is even more significant because “you” are the most important person to yourself, aren’t you? Or, maybe, you never thought if this?

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