While I am writing (Part 1)

How can a writer speak his mind? How can he express his thoughts without fear or hesitation for the sake of fulfilling an important responsibility, i.e., not for a position or money, but for something much more important. It is the responsibility of pen which can stimulate thousands of hearts and rephrases the ideas of thousands of minds, in a manner which he cannot imagine as he writes them. How can he mix the reality with the truth and the illusion with the reasonable, in a way that makes its effect go beyond his imagination? This topic, in particular, makes me uneasy and restless. Is it the aim to fill a page and satisfy the timetable of publishing? Do we write because we must write? If I were committed to a timetable, does it mean that I have to hold a pen and write unwillingly? Or the right thing is that I must think until my ideas are fully developed, and press me to come out on paper exactly as the ripened fruit fells to the ground? It is so difficult to answer this subtle topic, but it is not difficult to lay down some principles, seek justice, and conform to the common sense, not to become its captive. You must reconcile yourself to the idea so that it may accept you and obey you to move upward together to more sublime, chaste, and just concepts. Surely, real writing is a daily hard and inevitable confrontation between what the writer wants in his deep pure interior, and what the outer world with its different variations, powers, and effects, wants. Here I stop due to the gentleness of the motive and its complexity as well.
To be continued next week…
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