Saudi Press Roundup

Saudi Press Roundup

Saudi Press Roundup
Iran getting undue importance

The US has made several mistakes in our region. The latest one is its insistence on involving Iran in the formation of a new Iraqi government. The question is why Iran and why they do not approach Ayatullah Ali Al-Sistani being the most influential Shiite cleric in Iraq?
Why the Obama administration want to give the impression that only by the support of Iran the Iraqi crisis could be solved? Why some parties run after Iran while there are many Shiite leaders who reject Al-Maliki. These leaders oppose Al-Maliki’s policies that have worsened the security situation in the country.
Al-Sistani has called upon all political groups to reach an agreement on selecting a new prime minister, a new president and a new speaker acceptable to all before the next Parliament meeting on Tuesday. We have to establish contacts with all forces who desire to protect the higher interests of Iraq to end the crisis.
Muqtada Al-Sadr, another Shiite leader in Iraq, recently urged not to involve militias in tackling the country’s political crisis as they have been creating divisions in Iraq and undermining its security. He also called for the establishment of a new government with new faces, representing all groups.
Al-Sadr also stressed that the new government should take into consideration the legitimate and peaceful demands of the Sunnis, who have suffered a lot as a result of marginalization and negligence. In the backdrop of the statements of Al-Sistani and Al-Sadr, how can the Obama government keep on saying that only with Iran’s support we can find a solution to Iraq’s crisis.
— By Tareq Alhumayed

Safeguarding Saudi security

Speedy developments are taking place in the Arab region for the last three years with a lot of unjustifiable violence that caused the death of thousands. We have to be vigilant about what is happening around us and this is a national responsibility.
When Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah instructed authorities to adopt all necessary measures to protect the Kingdom’s security and stability and its achievements, he displayed the peak of his responsibility toward the Kingdom and its people.
It is the combined responsibility of all Saudi people to safeguard their country’s security and we should shoulder this responsibility sincerely and efficiently. The state alone will not be able to take up this challenge without people’s participation. We are all responsible people and we should all stand on the frontline to defend our country against those who dare to undermine its security and stability.
— By Hani Wafa

Ramadan thoughts

We thank Allah for giving us an opportunity to welcome the blessed month of Ramadan, which is a month of mercy and forgiveness. This is a marvelous month in which the doors of the Paradise will be kept open and the doors of Hell will be kept closed and evil forces will be chained.
Forces of virtue will be advising the faithful throughout this month telling them: “Those who do good things carry on, and those who do evil stop them.”
One of the most outstanding features of this month is that there is special night called the Lailat Al-Qadr when every Muslim would seek its blessings by keeping awake in that blessed night, which is better than 1,000 months. It is also the month of Qur’an as Allah selected Ramadan to send down his holy book for humanity’s guidance.
It is also the month of forgiveness and taraweeh. Those who observe Ramadan with faith and expecting reward from Allah all their sins would be forgiven. It is also the month of etikaf at mosques to establish closer relationship with Allah. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to perform etikaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan.
Ramadan is also beautiful because it is a month of goodness and generosity. Ramadan is a wonderful month for which every Muslim, men and women wait with great expectations, when people try to forgive the mistakes of others and establish better relations.
—By Ibrahim Mohammed Badawood

Automobile industry

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has made its first step under the leadership of Tawfiq Al-Rabiah to instill confidence in public establishments, especially service ministries. He has taken the initiative to boost the Kingdom’s industrial sector as a strategic option.
Al-Rabiah intends to strengthen the Kingdom’s automobile industry. In March 2013, the ministry announced its decision to establish a new city for car industries after the success of Isuzu factory, which is manufacturing 40 trucks in the first phase. The factory’s production will reach its peak in 2016 when it will produce 25,000 trucks annually.
Efforts are under way to manufacture Jaguar Land Rover in Yanbu, beginning from 2017 with investments reaching $1.2 billion. The Jaguar plant will have a capacity to produce 50,000 cars annually.
— By Mohammed Al-Aufi

Gates donation to IDB

After successfully launching the electronic revolution, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, has set off a humanitarian revolution by donating $1 billion to the Islamic Development Bank fund to combat polio, especially among the poor.
Human beings, irrespective of their religions and sects, compete with one another in doing good things and showing mercy to others. Bill Gates has set a good example for our business community to spend its money on humanitarian projects.
Where are our prayer leaders? They have to encourage people to engage in such good things instead of confusing them by speaking about useless matters.
Is it not time for us to end the conflict on sending students on foreign scholarship and women’s rights and live like others setting aside our daily contradictions in our lives. When are we going to hear a huge donation from our businessmen and businesswomen in order to fight poverty in the world?
— By Majed Abdullah

Spending on health care

Ever citizen has the right to get health care in his country. Health care is considered one of the main pillars of society and an outstanding manifestation of a country’s cultural progress. It covers efforts to protect public health.
As the cost of health care is increasing day by day as a result of increase in the value of medical equipment and facilities, rise in medicine prices and the link of medicine prices to foreign exchange rates, we have to think about innovative methods in providing total health care to citizens at high quality.
During my study on the Health Ministry to understand the main factors of government spending on health services, I found that the main factors that influence government spending are: Average income, inflation rate, the number of doctors for each 1,000 population, the number of beds for each 1,000 people and the population in major cities.
The study has found that there is substantial improvement in health services in the Kingdom. However, Saudi Arabia is still among countries that intend to improve health services and promote social justice.
The main recommendations of the study are encourage local investment in pharmaceutical industries and medical equipment to reduce their import from abroad and encourage private investment in the health sector. There should be a medical file for each citizen and should be linked electronically to all hospitals, so that a patient will have a single file including all his/her medical history.
— By Faisal Sulaiman Al-Shoaibi
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