

Maha Akeel

Maha Akeel is a Saudi expert in communications, social development, and international relations. She is a member of the UN's Senior Women Talent Pipeline. She previously served as Director of Social and Family Affairs and Director of Communications at the Jeddah-based Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). 

Twitter: @MahaAkeel1

Latest published

How Saudi women entrepreneurs can be encouraged to flourish

During the past few weeks, I have attended several events for women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia and a common complaint was a lack of networking opportunities and financing.

June 21, 2024

Gaza war and the paralysis of the UN Security Council

In a TV interview during the UN General Assembly last September, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said power, especially at the Security Council, was not in his hands but in those of the member states. What he had was a voice, and convening power.

January 12, 2024

How Saudi Arabia can adapt as its population ages

A report published last year raised alarm bells about the demographic transition in Saudi Arabia being in the early stages of shifting to an older population and considered the implications of that both socially and economically.

July 20, 2023

Women’s abilities should be harnessed in climate change fight

What do women have to do with climate change? Are they affected differently than men? Are there specific issues that concern women with regards to climate change?

June 20, 2023

How to grow MENA women’s labor force participation

There is a women in leadership deficit in the private sector of the Middle East and North Africa region. This is the finding of a recent Middle East Women’s Initiative study by the Middle East Program of the Wilson Center.

April 21, 2023