

Oubai Shahbandar

Oubai Shahbandar is a former defense intelligence officer and Middle East analyst with the Pentagon. He has been deployed to Iraq,Afghanistan, and has spent extensive time on the ground in northern Syria. He is now a conflict-zone documentary filmmaker based in the Middle East. 

Twitter: @OS26

Latest published

What went wrong in Afghanistan

A decade before the fall of Kabul, I was deployed as a governance adviser to Brig. Gen. Scott Miller, who would soon become Gen. Miller, the last US four-star commander to serve on the ground in Afghanistan before the Taliban swept the country.

August 13, 2022

Biden’s team should beware of Houthis’ misuse of humanitarian concerns

In the final hours of the Trump administration, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo designated Yemen’s Houthi militia as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” and its top leadership as “Specially Designated Global Terrorists.”

January 22, 2021

The inauguration of a new American era

As I prepare to attend President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration and participate in observing the grand American tradition of a peaceful transition of power from one president to the next, I cannot help but reflect on the significance of this event.

January 18, 2017

Can Russia succeed in getting Assad to behave?

The much-heralded Syrian “cease-fire” that Russia shepherded through last week is already on a fast track to being annulled.

January 04, 2017